Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Long time gone......

I can't believe the month of February is all most gone, March is just around the corner....Oh yes Spring.
This has been a very trying month for me medically. You realize just how fragile life is and yet how strong we can be! How patient, and the limit to your patients. When you make it, your still standing on the other side, It's all different and yet nothing has changed.....the only change was you. Rick said the other day if you want to know what it's like after your gone, just pull up a chair, close your eyes, and listen. Try it some time....it's most profound!

I received a spring garden full of flowers....Here are a few.

The sad news....I won't be able to make it to Texas for the Wedding.   My Sis has put her creative juice on over drive......Making  five bridesmaid dresses and has started her own CAKE co.  www.sweetcakeslady.blogspot.com Check out her cute cakes.   She's also sending me some very special cream to help my poor tummy when I get these beautiful staples out. Pictures....maybe or maybe not.

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